

(/greys-fuh-lee/: moving through life with compassion, mercy, care, respect, and love)


(/puhngk /: an individual intent on not conforming, one who wants to rebel against the system


(/puhngk /: an individual intent on not conforming, one who wants to rebel against the system

gracefullypunk: one who is  motivated by love to wage peace  and speak out against injustice  at all levels


This is a resource for people of any, all, or no faith to come together to mend relationships and build inclusive, equitable systems for all.

It is not a means of conversion  or evangelizing.

That said, the graceful punk seeks to remind Christians of their call to do justice and pursue mercy.


The graceful punk is committed to waging peace and living nonviolence.

To healing divisions and repairing brokenness.

To reconciliation and the flourishing of all creation.
